Stacey Hawkins: frustrated being overweight, but loved to eat!
A chef and foodie, Stacey was tired, overweight and fed up with eating endless plates of chicken and salad to lose the weight. Knowing it was time to do it differently, but not able to find a solution, she created it!
By combining her life experiences as a chef, mom and woman who wanted to care for herself too, Stacey created a new way of cooking that got her the results she craved both on the plate and in her skinny jeans. Finally!
Being a Foodie Never Looked So Good!
Constantly asked "how'd you do it?" Stacey shared her flavor blends & cooking methods with those who struggled. When they got great results too, news spread fast and before long, the world was knocking on her door wanting more. Stacey answered by creating everything you see here to inspire all who desire better food and a better life. Now YOU can have it too.

At the heart of it, Stacey's really pretty funny and an easy-going woman you'd enjoy hanging with.
Friends call her a BFF to all.
1) Stacey's Favorite Meal is
"Brunch! Because I can never decide... I'm the worst. My family usually tears the menu out of my hand when we're eating out after I say what I want!"
2) Stacey's Biggest Food Flop
"Oh my... I've had SO many ! But the most memorable was when I broke my own rule and made a recipe for the very first time when I was having company for dinner. It turned into an impromptu pizza party..."
3) Stacey's Favorite Hobby
"Travel. Hands down. I will (and do!) crawl through caves, ride on elephants and climb the highest mountains in search of the greatest flavors and products and of course, adventure!"
4) Stacey's Favorite Spice
"Ha- this one is easy... there's a reason I created Dash of Desperation! It was one of the first because it was a combination I used EVERY DAY and I knew everyone else would love it too."

Get In touch.
Stacey LOVES to hear from her followers.
Have a question, comment or just want to send Stacey a personal note? Email her directly at: Stacey@StaceyHawkins.com
Interested in being part of Team Wow! or have a press question? Please send an inquiry to: Info@StaceyHawkins.com