It's time to reclaim it!
Remember when blowing bubbles, coloring with abandon, or playing with your ______ was how we spent our afternoons—just for the sheer joy of it? At some point, life got busy. We became grown-ups with never-ending to-do lists and responsibilities that made us forget there was ever time to play. Even when we had kids, it was more about the pressure of getting dinner on the table and taking care of, well seemingly EVERYTHING rather than spontaneously playing tag in the backyard. Isn't it time to come back to that happy place?
I say YES! And here's the truth: you don’t need anyone’s permission to play. You don’t have to wait until you’re a grandparent, free from the daily grind (and little ones as your excuse), to rediscover the magic of fun. Play is wicked powerful (OMG did I just date myself!!?)—its essential, really. And it’s just as good for your mind as it is for your body. 💪
Studies show that when we play, our stress hormones (hello, cortisol) take a nosedive, and our “feel-good” chemicals (endorphins and serotonin) surge. This leads to sharper focus, brighter moods, and a creative spark that can fuel every...single... aspect of your life. Think of it as a full-body reset button!
I got a welcome reminder of this over the weekend while visiting my daughter and her boyfriend in Boston. We went to the Museum of Ice Cream, indulged in enough creamy goodness to make your eyes roll (oh- yes- there was even Lobster Roll Ice Cream!), and before I knew it, I was up to my elbows in a gigantic pool of sprinkles. Picture pink confetti, everywhere, as deep as your knees (actually you don't have to "picture" it as I'm sharing my silliness with you!)
I was the only adult willing to jump in—every other “responsible grown-up” hovered around the edges eyeballing me (I'm telling myself it was cuz they were jealous) while keeping the other eye on their kiddos. Yes, I felt TOTALLY silly at first, but once I plopped down and started tossing handfuls of sprinkles in the air, I laughed so hard I felt like I was five years old again. Pure bliss. Well, that is, until I tried to get out, then the rest of my family laughed with joy too! But I didn't care. Not one bit.
It's time to let go my friend! This week I challenge you- What will you do to reclaim your sense of play and joy? Maybe try a new recipe with ingredients you’ve never used before—get creative and let your kitchen become your playground. Or head outside and fly a kite, grab a swing at the playground, or simply grab a new 64 box of Crayons (yes the one with the sharpener!) and color your heart out. Blow bubbles off your back porch. Crank up the tunes and dance your ass off in the living room. It doesn't matter WHAT it is- Just do... something that lights up your soul.
Give yourself permission to let go of “adulting” for a few moments and spark those endorphins. Life is a whole lot tastier—and infinitely more fun—when you sprinkle in a little silliness.
To your flavorful life-